IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments Workshop | 2-day Program | GID 22052 | Brussels

Saturday, June 1st, 2024

IPSAS 41: Classification  & Measurement, Impairment, De-recognition, & Hedge Accounting

Join our two-day in-depth IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments workshop in Brussels, Belgium.  Financial Instruments became effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023. This standard supersedes parts of IPSAS 29 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.

This new standard introduces a classification and measurement model for financial assets, an expected credit loss model for impairment testing, and a hedge accounting model that broadens the scope of the guidance.

With the increasing integration of finance-related functions across public sector entities, IPSAS 41 significantly impacts business models and financial reporting. The primary changes will arise from the Impairment Methodology, necessitating organizations to have the necessary knowledge and strategic understanding for successful implementation. Even if your organization has implemented the ECL model, it requires regular calibrations and modifications to align with real-life data.

In this workshop, our experienced instructor will provide insights into the development and direction of IPSAS 41, highlight key differences between existing and modified approaches, and discuss emerging industry challenges. Additionally, the instructor will outline the implementation roadmap for these accounting standards and their implications for your organization.

Join us for a comprehensive walk-through of the IPSAS 41 framework, ensuring your organization stays current with the latest international accounting standards.


Key Learning Features

  • Understanding how to achieve the amortized cost criteria for financial instruments
  • Applying the Business Model test and SPPI criteria on the existing portfolio
  • Knowing when to use the fair value through the Surplus/Deficiency category
  • Accounting for unquoted equity instruments and hybrid instruments
  • Accounting for Own Credit Risk and accounting mismatches
  • Understanding when and how to change the classification and measurement of financial instruments
  • Understanding the difference between the incurred loss and expected credit loss models for impairment
  • Applying the new expected credit loss model
  • Assessing the impact of the expected credit loss model on impairment allowance
  • Applying the expected credit loss model to trade receivables, financial guarantees, and revolving credit facilities
  • Understanding hedge engineering and its potential for achieving better results
  • Complying with the hedge accounting documentation requirements
  • Designing and testing hedge effectiveness
  • Identifying ‘hidden’ derivatives
  • Knowing when hybrid instruments need to be separated


Global Programs

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For More Information

We invite you to reach out to our customer service team for further details on our IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments workshop and to enrol. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional service and addressing any inquiries you may have.

We are eager to assist you in advancing your professional development and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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