IFRS 9 Financial Instruments Workshop | Miami | GID 20013

Friday, March 15th, 2024

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments: 2-Day Training Program

Join our two-day IFRS 9: Financial Instruments Training Course in Miami, USA. Delve into the challenges of recognition, classification, measurement, derecognition, and impairment of financial instruments, and also discover how applying hedging strategies to manage risks under IFRS 9 can help you effectively handle the impact of market volatility.

Understanding IFRS 9 financial instrument accounting is crucial, as these standards significantly shape how financial instruments are recognized and reported across all industries. Continuous understanding of the applications of the standard is essential, not only because replacing IAS 39 with IFRS 9 introduced significant changes, but also because the principles-based standard creates challenges when applied in practice.

Additionally, the IASB has been regularly amending the standards.  In May 2022, the IASB added a maintenance project to amend IFRS 9 and IFRS 7 in response to the post-implementation review. In October 2022, the IASB tentatively decided on additional amendments for the derecognition of financial liabilities through electronic cash transfers and disclosure requirements for equity investments under the fair value option.  

Despite the standard’s implementation, a wide array of insurance companies and entities in various countries are still in the process of adopting IFRS 9, underscoring the importance of understanding these new requirements.

Key areas covered in the IFRS 9 Training Program:

This workshop will cover the following key areas of IFRS 9:

  • Classification and Measurement
  • Impairment Methodology
  • Hedge Accounting
  • Derecognition 
  • Comparison with the US GAAP

As IFRS 9 has a widespread impact across the business due to the deepening integration of key finance-related functions. It is essential to understand the primary impact on your overall business model and financial reporting functions.

he changes to the Impairment Methodology are significant, and most organizations are under time constraints to ensure their resources have the required knowledge and strategic understanding to deal with the implementation of IFRS 9.

The instructor for this workshop will be sharing their views and experience on the development and direction of IFRS 9, differences between the existing and modified approaches, and emerging challenges for the industry. Additionally, the instructor will discuss the implementation roadmap to these accounting standards and the implications they have for your business.

Join us for this comprehensive two-day workshop on IFRS 9 framework to remain current in your knowledge and practice of the latest international accounting standards and ensure your organization is well-equipped to deal with the impact of these changes.

Key Learning Features

Our In-Person workshop on IFRS 9 for Financial Instruments will provide valuable insights on the following topics:

  • Understand the recent amendments to IFRS 9 proposed by the IASB
  • Achieving the amortized cost criteria for financial instruments under IFRS 9
  • Applying the Business Model Test and SPPI criteria on existing portfolios
  • Understanding when to use the fair value through OCI category (FVOCI)
  • Accounting for unquoted equity instruments and hybrid instruments
  • Accounting for own credit risk and accounting mismatches
  • Changing the classification and measurement of financial instruments under IFRS 9
  • Understanding the Impairment: Incurred loss vs. expected credit loss model
  • Applying the new expected credit loss model and its impact on impairment allowance
  • Applying the expected credit loss model to trade receivables, financial guarantees, and revolving credit facilities
  • Improving results through hedge engineering
  • Meeting hedge accounting documentation requirements
  • Designing and testing hedge effectiveness
  • Identifying hidden derivatives
  • Separating hybrid instruments when necessary


Global IFRS 9 Program Schedule

Our program has been scheduled in multiple cities worldwide. For a comprehensive schedule and to find a session in your area, please explore the following links. If you are interested in organizing this program in your city, we encourage you to contact us for collaboration opportunities and more information.

Online | London | Miami | Toronto | Zurich | Singapore | Sydney | Cape Town | Dubai | Doha | Lima | Sao Paulo | Rio de Janeiro | New York | Hong Kong | Bermuda


For More Information

We invite you to reach out to our customer service team for further details on our IFRS 9 for financial instruments workshop and to enroll. Our team is committed to delivering exceptional service and addressing any inquiries you may have. We are eager to assist you in advancing your professional development and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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