Thursday, March 19th, 2020
The IFRS Foundation has published Q&A 35.1 providing guidance on the application of the #IFRS for SMEs Standard. Developed by the #SME Implementation Group (#SMEIG), it responds to a question on the application of the undue cost or effort exemption when measuring an investment property at fair value on transition to the IFRS for SMEs Standard. In response to feedback on the draft Q&A published in August 2019, the Q&A addresses assets and liabilities for which the IFRS for SMEs Standard permits the application of the undue cost or effort exemption when estimating fair value on transition.
The Q&A concludes that the assessment of whether there is undue cost or effort is based on information about the costs and benefits at the date of transition. Additional cost or effort due to the elapse of time between the date of transition and the date of the first financial statements prepared applying the IFRS for SMEs Standard is not included in the assessment.
For more detail visit the following link: