Hedging Currency, Interest, Credit, & Price Risks (3-Day)

Worldwide, companies lose billions of dollars annually due to market risks and the absence of effective hedging strategies. Market risks include fluctuations in currency exchange rates, commodity prices, and interest rates, which can significantly impact a company’s financial performance.

Without appropriate hedging strategies, companies are vulnerable to adverse market movements. This lack of risk management can lead to significant financial losses.

Dive into a transformative training program focused on hedging market risks (currency, interest, inflation, and price risks), credit risk, ESG-linked bonds, climate risks, and many other potential business risks impacting organizations.

This course delves into:

  • The intricacies of business risks
  • Hedging strategies
  • Accounting of hedges and risk drivers under IFRS 9, IPSAS, and US GAAP

It offers expertise in sophisticated hedging strategies and solutions.  Designed for active, engaging learning, this program empowers risk, finance, and treasury professionals with the skills to navigate complex challenges confidently. Perfect for those eager to advance their careers or broaden their expertise, this opportunity is not to be missed.

Enroll now and elevate your skills in applying risk management strategies.