Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Impairment Model Workshop | GID 23020 | Seoul

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Modelling Workshop

Join our highly anticipated ECL modelling workshop in Seoul, South Korea, to stay updated on the latest developments. Both IFRS 9 and IPSAS 41 necessitate ECL modeling to implement the new impairment framework.

The IFRS 9 Financial Instrument introduced a new impairment framework for recognizing expected credit losses promptly. However, many entities globally haven’t implemented it or built a robust Expected Credit Loss (ECL) model. Even for those who have, further improvements are needed to address the challenges posed by the unpredictability of COVID-19.

The IASB is conducting a post-implementation review (PIR) of the expected credit loss (ECL) requirements in IFRS 9. Identified areas include ECL recognition, credit risk increases, ECL measurement, and disclosures.

IPSAS 41 – Impairment of Financial Instruments using ECL Modelling

IPSAS 29’s impairment rules delay loss recognition, but IPSAS 41 introduces the ECL approach, eliminating impairment recognition thresholds. Effective January 1, 2023, IPSAS 41 replaces parts of IPSAS 29, mandating timely expected credit loss reporting.  The model requires entities to recognize expected credit losses at all times, with a dual measurement approach of either 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses.

This forward-looking approach broadens the information required for determining expected credit losses and provides financial statement users with better decision-making ability.

Our expert instructors will guide you through real-life examples and group case studies.  The instructor will also cover topics such as modelling data, back-testing issues, and best practices in light of the COVID-19 scenario. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest changes to IFRS 9 and learn how to improve your model.

Additionally, gain insights into the development and direction of ECL models and discuss the implications of new standards for your business. This workshop is ideal for professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of impairment modelling and its impact.

Join today

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead and gain a competitive edge in today’s complex financial landscape.


Key Learning Features – ECL Modelling

  • Understanding the transition from the incurred loss model to the expected credit loss model under IFRS 9 and IPSAS 41 and the implications of the change.
  • Identifying the scope and objective of the expected credit loss impairment model.
  • Discuss the latest challenges and modifications required in the ECL model, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Exploring the proposed models for measuring expected credit losses, including the three-bucket model and credit-adjusted effective interest rate.
  • Developing an understanding of the application of the ECL model to specific financial instruments such as loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts.
  • Examining the implementation challenges associated with the ECL model, including the issue of pro-cyclicality and building buffer.
  • Aligning the expected credit loss impairment model with Basel III/IV requirements.
  • Understanding the disclosure requirements under the ECL model and the challenges ahead.
  • Developing an implementation roadmap and planning for the transition to the ECL model.
  • Comparing the proposed impairment model with the CECL approach proposed by the FASB.
  • Identifying emerging issues and challenges related to the ECL model.

By attending this 2-day workshop, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the expected credit loss impairment model.  They will also have the opportunity to participate in group exercises and case studies to reinforce their learning and apply the concepts in real-life scenarios.

Additionally, they will be able to ask questions during the Q&A session to clarify any doubts or concerns they may have.


Global Program Schedule

New York | Online | London |  Zurich | Dubai | Singapore | Toronto | Cape Town | BermudaSao Paulo | Sydney | Miami | Lima (Peru) | Doha | Rio de Janeiro | Seoul | Hong Kong | Brussels


For More Information

We cordially invite you to contact our customer service team for additional information on our IFRS 9 & IPSAS 41 Impairment Workshop and to enroll in the program. Our dedicated team is committed to providing outstanding service and addressing any questions or concerns you may have. We are excited to help you advance your professional development and eagerly anticipate hearing from you soon.

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