Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) Workshop | GID 23205 | Toronto

Friday, March 22nd, 2024

CECL Model: Strategies for Reliable Credit Loss Estimation

Join our two-day hands-on CECL Workshops in Toronto to understand the most important financial and accounting aspects.  In December 2019, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) implemented its Accounting Standards Update on Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (ASC 326), known as the Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) model.

This new impairment model fundamentally changed how banks estimate losses. It has significant implications for financial institutions and other entities holding financial assets and net investments in leases.


Challenges with Implementation/Improvement

Despite being in effect for several years, many organizations still struggle with implementing the CECL model. Perfecting their approach to comply with the accounting changes requires substantial effort. The impact on organizational processes and systems is considerable. It demands technical expertise, planning, and strategic implementation considerations.


About the Workshop

To help professionals understand and implement the CECL model, we have developed a one-day Impairment Workshop. This comprehensive course offers a clear roadmap for implementing the new CECL model. It highlights lessons learned from previous accounting changes. Furthermore, we discuss forward-looking practical and strategic implications of Topic 326. Additionally, we cover regulatory and other major accounting changes affecting it.


Key Learning Features

  • Detailed overview of the CECL model, including scope, objectives, and key components
  • Impact on financial and non financial institutions
  • Considerations for different asset classes and alternative modelling options
  • Data requirements for credit modelling
  • Hands-on group case studies and examples for practical learning
  • Effects on credit risk management, profitability forecasting, and investor disclosures
  • Strategies to maximize returns under forward-looking risk and emerging industry practices
  • Implementation issues related to revolving credit instruments, PCD assets, and DCF use
  • Quantification methodology for the CECL model: segmentation, synergies, and reasonable forecasts
  • Comprehensive understanding of the CECL model and its impact
  • Application of learning to real-world situations with hands-on case studies


Our global Program Schedule

Online | Dallas | Chicago | Zurich | Miami | San Francisco | Washington DC | Seattle | Las Vegas | London | Singapore | New York City | Toronto


For More Information

Thank you for your interest in our CECL workshop! To register or learn more about our program, please contact our customer services team. Our team is available by phone, email, or online chat to assist you with any questions regarding the workshop, including pricing, schedule, location, and registration process.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and enhance your professional skills. Contact our customer services team today to register for the CECL workshop and take the first step towards achieving your career goals. We look forward to hearing from you!

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