22 July 2019 IFRS 9 webinar: Curing of a credit-impaired financial asset

Monday, July 29th, 2019

In March 2019 the IFRS Interpretations Committee (Committee), the body that supports the International Accounting Standards Board by responding to questions about applying IFRS Standards, considered how a company should present amounts in its statement of profit or loss if a credit-impaired financial asset is subsequently paid in full or no longer credit-impaired (cured). The Committee concluded that the requirements in IFRS Standards provide an adequate basis to address this matter.

In this webcast, two technical staff members, Angie Ah Kun and Elizabeth Figgie, summarise the Committee’s discussion and explain the conclusion it reached. They also walk through the application of the relevant requirements in IFRS 9 Financial Instruments for amortised cost measurement and impairment.

View the recording here or visit our YouTube channel. The slide deck is also available separately.